Occasionally you may need to convert the odds of a bet from fractional odds to decimal odds.
We will always look to change the default odds display on our accounts from fractional odds to decimal odds but if you do need to convert the odds for any reason you can find a converter calculator here.
There may also be times you wish to work out the probability that a certain outcome has of occurring. This may be to help you decide whether to overlay or underlay a bet or decide whether a certain offer is worth doing based on the refund trigger.
For example, if we look at the odds below we can see that Newcastle have a 72% chance of winning the match and Leicester have a 12% chance of winning the match. Therefore if an offer included a refund trigger on Newcastle winning the match that would likely be a great value offer. If the refund trigger was Leicester winning the match then you may wish to avoid that offer unless you can find a qualifying bet with a very small qualifying loss.
You can find more on probability and how to work out the probability of a certain event occurring here.